Virtual Studio
Virtual studio where each week new content is added. Classes include Kriya Flow, Slow Flow, Meditation journeys, Pranayama practices, Wisdom talks and so much more.
Balance and Hip Flow class
Fluid Spine Flow yoga
Bird of Paradise 60mins Flow
Compass Pose 60mins Flow
Core Flow yoga 60mins
Ignite the Sacred Fire Kriya Flow
Vasisthasana Flow
Brahmari breath and Anahata mantra
Apana - Prana Pranayama Practice
Heart Meditation
Short Guided meditation (7 mins )
Invoking a deep state of inner stillness and silence "Shunya"
So Hum meditation
Bija Mantra Chakra Meditation
The Sacred Sri Yantra Devi meditation
Hanuman meditation to build courage, vitality and authentic power
Slow Flow & Deep Stretch 60mins
Slow Flow quad opening 60mins class
Slow Flow into Eagle pose (60 mins)
Slow Flow Sacral awakening (60 mins)
Slow Flow into balance (60mins)
Balance and Hip opening Flow (60mins)
Flow into baby grasshopper (60mins)
Metabolic firestarter 60mins Yoga Flow
Intermediate/Advanced Yoga Flow 65mins
What is yoga truly about ?
The four pathways of Yoga - Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Raja Yoga
The mind in yoga
Rest and Restore (55mins)
Therapeutic Hip opener (53mins)
Therapeutic Twists (60mins)
Deep posterior chain stretch restorative yoga
Restore body, mind and spirit restorative yoga (57mins)
Sculpt + Tone (bi-lateral work) 55mins
YogaSculpt & Stretch (great for beginners) 55mins